Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages (QCEW)

Data is available that covers nearly every NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) industry. BLS publishes files that include data on the number of establishments, monthly employment, and quarterly wages, by NAICS industry, by county, by ownership sector, for the entire United States. These data are aggregated to annual levels, to higher industry levels (NAICS industry groups, sectors, and supersectors), and to higher geographic levels (national, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)). Participation in the QCEW program is voluntary and data provided in confidence to BLS are not published. Therefore, information is withheld at any industry level when needed to protect the identity of participating employers.

More information on QCEW program can be found on the BLS website or look here for more details.

Learn More  |   BLS Additional Resources  |   Federal Statistics Resources  |   QCEW Dashboard

Sarah Hoffman
(608) 733-3882

QCEW Data Visualization

DWD recommends using Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge in full screen on a desktop computer to view visualizations. More of these tools can be found on the Visual Catalog page. If you would like to create, save and share a visualization, go to the Data Tools page and Create Visualization. Visit the Help Page for assistance with the tools below.

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